
Iraqi palm

Biography of an Iraqi creator

Dr. Sheikh Ahmed Al-Waeli


Dr. Sheikh Ahmed Al-Waeli
Dean of the Husseini platform

He was born in 1928 and passed away in 2003

● He was a man of religion and the most famous preacher of Hosseini and a contemporary preacher among Shiites.
● He was an Iraqi poet and writer, who got a doctorate degree from Cairo University.
● He completed his formal education in 1952, and then obtained a BA degree in Arabic language and Islamic sciences. 
● He joined the College of Jurisprudence, and   graduated in 1962. 
● He obtained a Master’s degree in Islamic Sciences from   Institute of Islamic Studies - University of Baghdad, for his thesis (Prison Provisions between Sharia and Law) in 1969.
● He received his doctorate degree from the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom- Cairo University for his thesis (the exploitation of the wage earner and his position in Islam) in 1972.
● He completed his post-doctoral researches to obtain the professorship degree to teach economics, holding a higher diploma from the Institute of Arab Studies and Researches - the League of Arab States in 1975.
● His religious lectures were distinguished by enlightenment and fighting superstition, extremism and exaggeration in the Husseini issue.
● He left thousands of audio, written and video lectures, in addition to his collections of poetry besides numerous of printed books


His achievements:
-The identity of the Shiites.
- Towards a scientific interpretation of the Holy Quran.
- Defend the fact.
- My experience with the platform. 
- From the jurisprudence of sex in its sectarian channels. 
- Prison provisions between Sharia and the law.
- Exploitation of the wage-earner and his position in Islam.